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Peterson Manufacturing Inc. began in the basement of my home back in 1999 or so. I named it after my natural father, the same as I had named the Pro-1 tubular lock pick.
Originally I was only selling the Pro-1, and that was at wholesale. Then Don Dennis (a writer) came by to do an interview and he suggested that I come out with standard lock picking tools and to also sell them to the public - which was an industry first! Thanks Don!
I made the picks with what we call "Gov Steel". They were as they are now - outstanding!
It took a while to get professional locksmiths to see their value at first: Pay more than for my competitions products, but not having to keep replacing them. After a while they realized that this was a great deal as they saved money by "paying too much!" That is not even counting our warranty...
We warranty our Gov Steel lock picks FOR LIFE. 50% replacements. Send in the metal end and we put a credit on your account. That means you are really only paying (by today's pricing) $4.50 a pick. Life can be a long time.... And we are happy to help.
Our products cost more to make: our high quality materials and with everything being produced in the USA. Some folks have suggested that to reduce our prices we should produce our products in China or in that neighborhood, I would rather not. Why take something that is great and reduce it merely something good?
So many years ago Harry came along and suggested that we make some bypass tools. He presented the ideas to me by telling me how they worked. I willingly designed them - and he approved of my designs. As an ex government employee he wanted me to do it on my own. Outcome? Other's concepts - but my designs.
Most of our product development has been based on your suggestions. We have been pleased to work with those people to provide what they desired. And through those suggestions many more people received opportunities to get new products. Thank you all.
We ship by USPS Priority mail. It is tracked and delivery is documented. We also insure it fully. While we only have to document that we shipped it in a contested purchase, our adding insurance on the shipment of your purchase has saved our customers a ton of money. Yes USPS costs too much - I complain about that as well, but it normally gets to you quickly. If a truck runs over it at the post office they authorize a replacement order for you.
Overall starting this business has been a lot of fun creating and learning; Designing tooling and products plus meeting a lot of great people.
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